Service Time: Sundays at 9 AM – Phone: (763) 389-3147
But if we walk in the light, just as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanses us from all sin. 1 John 1:7

Trinity Season

Trinity 25 – 2024

Mark 13:28-37 Please listen with me to a reading from the 13th chapter of the Gospel according to St. Mark, beginning at the 28th verse: “From the fig tree learn its lesson: as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts out its leaves, you know that summer is near. So also, when you see…

Trinity 24 – 2024

Mark 5:21-43 Today’s Gospel from St. Matthew gives us an abbreviated version of the story of the healing of the woman with a flow of blood. St. Mark gives us a fuller version of this story. We read there that “There was a woman who had had a discharge of blood for twelve years, and…

Trinity 21 – 2024

Genesis 1:1–2:4 Today’s Old Testament reading presented us with the creation account from the Book of Genesis. It is real history, written in majestic prose, by divine inspiration. The Book of Genesis is not written in the vocabulary of modern science, because it is a story for the ages. It was true and meaningful before…

Trinity 20 – 2024

Matthew 21:33-44 Many of Jesus’ messages had an immediately positive and uplifting impact on his listeners. Today’s message, from St. Matthew’s Gospel, is not one of those. There are some humbling and hard-to-accept truths associated with sinful humanity’s existence in this fallen world, and associated with sinful humanity’s alienation from a holy God, that Jesus…

Trinity 19 – 2024

Ephesians 4:17-5:2 Nobody likes conflict and warfare. When we hear news reports about the suffering of those who are caught in the middle of conflict in various parts of the world, or when we see images of the death and destruction brought about by war, we cringe. We desire peace – for ourselves, and for…

Trinity 17 – 2024

Ephesians 4:1-16 Many years ago, in another time and place, I visited a delinquent member of the congregation I was then serving and tried to encourage this person to come to church. The response was pretty bizarre. “I already know all that. I learned the catechism when I was confirmed, and I still remember what…

Trinity 16 – 2024

Ephesians 3:13-21 In New Testament Greek, the word for “father” is “patera,” and the word for “family” is “patria.” You can see, then, that a family is conceptualized, and defined, on the basis of its relationship to the father of that family, whether literal or figurative. Some translations of today’s text from St. Paul’s Epistle to the Ephesians are…

Trinity 15 – 2024

Matthew 6:24-34 The times in which we live are times of worry and anxiety. We are concerned about our safety. Assaults, murders, and social chaos in general are on the rise in many cities. We are also worried about the economy. Prices are going up, while the buying power of our money is going down.…

Trinity 14 – 2024

Galatians 6:1-4 Please listen with me to the portion of St. Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians than comes immediately after the portion that was read as today’s lesson. The Apostle writes: Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself…