But if we walk in the light, just as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanses us from all sin. 1 John 1:7

Synod Resources

Our Parish supports other Lutheran organizations that bring the love of Jesus to others here at home and in foreign countries. We invite you to visit any of the following pages to grow in your faith and learn how you too can help spread the Good News to all.

EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN SYNODThe Evangelical Lutheran Synod is an American Lutheran church body of 130 congregations in 18 states, with national offices in Mankato, Minnesota. It is a member church of the Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Conference (CELC), which currently consists of 24 church bodies throughout the world, in full fellowship with one another. The Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) – likewise located in the United States – is also one of these.

BETHANY LUTHERAN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Bethany Lutheran Theological Seminary, in Mankato, Minnesota, is the pastoral training institution of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod (ELS). Bethany Seminary has been preparing pastors for the ELS and her broader fellowship for over 60 years and continues to provide graduate-level theological education today.

ELS PUBLICATION SUBSCRIPTIONS The Evangelical Lutheran Synod has several publications for you. You can subscribe to one or all of them. → Cross-stitch Corner Newsletter, ELS Daily Devotions, Missions Newsletter, Peace Video Devotions, and the Synod President’s Newsletter.

BETHANY LUTHERAN COLLEGE Bethany Lutheran College in Mankato provides Christian higher education in a challenging academic environment, where instruction from within a Biblical and Confessional Lutheran worldview, and personal mentoring, guide students to pursue knowledge, truth, and discernment for productive and fulfilling lives, and prepare themselves for a wide array of vocations and careers.

• Christian apologetics is the discipline of providing evidence for the truth of Christianity, including the truth that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, the only Redeemer from sin, death, and the devil. Throughout the centuries the Christian church has maintained and demonstrated that Christianity is defensible in many ways that can fortify the believer and help bring the unbeliever to faith in Christ.
• Worldview – like an ideology, philosophy, religion, or metanarrative – is a set of related assumptions by which a person views, understands, interprets, and judges the world in which he lives. It is like putting on a particular pair of glasses that, depending on the lenses, determine to what degree a person sees the world and life as they should be seen.

CROSS-STITCH The Network Aiding ELS Home and Foreign Missions. The mission of Cross-stitch is to create an increased interest in the mission field, support unbudgeted mission projects in our mission congregations, and assist our missionaries in spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ to the world.

LUTHERAN MILITARY SUPPORT GROUP– LMSG is a non-profit organization providing Christ-centered support to WELS/ELS military service members, veterans, and their families.

ELH- The Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary (ELH) was compiled by the Worship Committee of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod, which traces its theological tradition and denominational heritage through the Norwegian immigration of the nineteenth century to the Danish-Norwegian Reformation of the sixteenth century. Over the years the ELS has also received many congregations and pastors with roots in other branches of the Lutheran church family. The multifaceted character of the ELS of today is honored and reflected in the orders of service and hymns to be found in ELH.

THE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN HYMNARY: Links to all the public domain hymns in ELH.

LUTHERAN THEOLOGY WEBSITE:  By Pastor David Jay Webber. This personal site exists to promote, extend, and defend the theology of Confessional Lutheranism, as reflected especially in the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church.

 ELS WORSHIP RESOURCES: These resources are made available by the ELS Committee on Worship. This Committee published the Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary in 1996 and continues producing worship resources rooted in the confessional Lutheran heritage.

ELS HISTORICAL SOCIETY: An invitation to explore the history of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod, and of its predecessor body, the (old) Norwegian Synod.