But if we walk in the light, just as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanses us from all sin. 1 John 1:7

Sermons (Page 9)

Christmas 1-2023

Sermon Text – Luke 2:22-40 St. Luke tells us that there was a “just and devout” man in Jerusalem named Simeon, who was “waiting for the Consolation of Israel.” Luke also tells us that “it had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death before he had seen the…

Christmas Day-2022

Revelation 21:3-7 St. John writes: And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there…

Christmas Eve-2022

Isaiah 1:2-3 “Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth! For the Lord has spoken: ‘I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against Me; the ox knows its owner and the donkey its master’s crib; but Israel does not know, my people do not consider.’” In the name of Jesus. Amen.…

Advent 1-2022

Sermon Text: Jeremiah 23:1-6 Please listen with me to a reading from the 23rd chapter of the Prophet Jeremiah, verses 1 through 6. You’ll notice that the last part of this text overlaps with the first part of today’s Old Testament lesson. “Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of My pasture!,”…

Thanksgiving 2022

Sermon Text- Proverbs 14:34 Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday in our country. The Christian church year, in its historic, international form, does not include such a festival, and there are many countries in the world that do not have a thanksgiving observance. But we live in a country that does. And so, as the…

Last Sunday-2022

Matthew 25:1-13 The full meaning of some of the Lord’s parables is not immediately clear to us. Jesus’ parables were spoken to a first-century Jewish audience. He often told stories that drew on certain unique customs of first-century Jewish people that are not familiar to us today. Today’s parable from St. Matthew, about the ten…

Michaelmas 7-2022

Matthew 25:31-46 If you have ever had the occasion to visit a national cemetery, you will notice that almost all the grave markers are ornamented with some kind of religious symbol. The size and style of the markers themselves are uniform and the same, but there is quite a diversity to be found in the religious symbols on those markers. This…